School District of Clay County
Green Cove Springs, Florida
District Office - Superintendent's Conference Room
900 Walnut Street
Green Cove Springs
Time: 3:00 p.m.

October 12, 2010 Special Meeting

Call to Order (3:15 p.m.)
1. Attendance


Present: Carol Studdard, District 2; Frank Farrell, District 4; and Lisa Graham, District 5.  Superintendent Ben Wortham was also present for the meeting.

Carol Vallencourt, District 1, was not present due to illness.  Newly appointed Board Member, Stephanie Van Zant, District 3, was not present as she has not yet been sworn in.

Agenda Items
2. Appointment, Redesignation and Approval of Out-of-Field Teachers
Attachment: Out of Field List 10-12-10.pdf
Attachment: Addendum.pdf
Minutes: Mr. Neil Sanders, Director of Instructional Personnel, explained that in order to collect FTE these Out-of-Field teachers must be properly appointed by the School Board prior to FTE week.  If an auditor should pull a teacher who is Out-of-Field our funding would be affected.  Mr. Sanders reported that of the 166 Out-of-Field Teachers, 148 were ESOL, 11 were Reading and 7 were in assorted categories.  This total of Out-of-Field teachers is less than a year ago.

Approve the out-of-field appointments and redesignations as presented in the attachments.- PASS
Vote Results
Motion: Carol Studdard
Second: Frank Farrell
Carol Vallencourt- Not Present
Frank Farrell- Aye
Lisa Graham- Aye
Carol Studdard- Aye

Superintendent's Requests

Minutes: The Superintendent commended Mr. Sanders on a job well done with Out-of-Field Certificated Personnel.

School Board's Requests (None)
Adjournment (3:20 p.m.)

